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Renee Garcia – Anomalous Action Breakthrough
Are you ready for something CHALLENGING,
Maybe it’s time to TUNE OUT of a bunch of junk holding you down.
TUNE IN NOW to new information, opportunities and fresh direction.
Reality Transurfing is the most advanced, efficient and effective set of tools yet developed
for you to take charge of your reality.
But like any knowledge, there’s a danger…
that the ideas of Reality Transurfing remain just that – IDEAS.
And no matter how great any ideas are, unless you are willing to implement them,
they’ll just stay in your head and the life you want to live
– the breakthrough life – will never materialize.
If you REALLY want to make a difference in your life, you need to take action.
And not just any action.
You need to take Anomalous Action.
Anomalous Action Breakthrough
Let’s get real, here…
If you’re life isn’t where it’s at, it’s because you’ve been closed off to your potential.
So you keep having the same old thoughts, and experiencing the same old feelings,
and doing the same crap in the same old way, in the same old places and at the same old time…
This course offers new ways of thinking, feeling, AND doing.
“But Renée!” I hear you ask. “Why do I need a course on this?”
Because, brave Transurfer, the new is uncomfortable and scary!
So Xavier Waterkeyn and I have created an approach that will get you…
accustomed to the different
so that your comfort zone EXPANDS organically!
so that the new is EXCITING instead of scary!
and so that you can open yourself up to possibilities that you didn’t even know existed!
And you will deal with the greatest foe to change…
We are here to make this very, VERY easy for you!
And, if you can’t take meaningful, life enhancing action after this course…
(we jest of course)
It’s in the space of Anomalous Action that the rubber really hits the road.
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