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David Snyder – SpyCraft
Secrets of Covert Hypnosis, Behavioral Profiling and Strategic Human Influence Training
If you are finally ready to become an “apex influencer” the kind of person who can get people to believe
what you say, do what you want and to like love and trust you practically any time anywhere and for any reason…
…This could be the most important letter you ever read.
Having the ability to read people, understand and influence human behavior is perhaps
the single most important success skill there is.
To put it simply if a person lacks the ability to get others to like, trust, believe or simply do
what you want, you are by definition.
What’s inside David Snyder – SpyCraft?
Introduction to Strategic Human Influence Tactics
I-3 Model Identity, Intelligence, Influence
Universal Persuasion Protocol
Four Pillars of Irresistible Hypnotic Acquiescence
Rapport Continuum – Heuristics for Reading Humans
Power Rapport – Three Levels of Rapport
The brain, evolution, and how influence actually works
6MX skills – essentials of people-reading
Elicitation – getting information out of anyone
Applying people-reading to your influence skills (exercise) Meaning of the word exercise
Introduction to linguistics and embedded commands (exercise)
Behavioral entrainment and gestural referencing
Using and applying confusion (level one)
7 Most Psychologically Powerful Patterns in Human Language
Fantastic Four Tactics of Subliminal Influence
Emotional Bonding Checklist
Resistance Removal Formula
Three Magic Questions That Lead To liking, Trust and Love
Proxemic Hypnotic Operators and Non-verbal Influence Tactics
Mastering confusion methods – advanced techniques.
Bringing out the CIA wristwatch for hypnosis (first ever reveal)
How influence hacks the brain
Hacking Cialdini’s principles
Negative Dissociation and Positive association
Using compound embedded commands with add-ons for efficacy
Delivering authority
How authority hacks the brain
The authority assessment
Evolution and our brains – the FATE model
Discipline and the pendulum principle
State Control to Frame Control: Secret of Emotional Contagion
How to Exude and Radiate Authority, Authenticity and Charisma on Command
Renegade Reframing and the art of Conversational Belief Change
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