Michael Katz – Creating Email Newsletters For Professional Service Firms
Meet “The E-newsletter Expert”— Writing E-newsletters Since 2001
Here’s why Michael Katz is the perfect person to show you how to make a predictable income with e-newsletters…
Because he’s a successful e-newsletter writer himself.
In 2000, Michael “stumbled on this niche by accident.” He left his full-time job to build websites and started an e-newsletter to promote his services.
Right away, people started asking to be added to his e-newsletter list. So, his list grew. And as they read what he had to say, people began hiring him for web design projects.
And, something else happened, too. People also asked Michael to create an e-newsletter for them.
By 2001, he decided he liked writing and gave e-newsletters a try. He’s successfully been doing that ever since.
Over the past 19 years, he’s worked with big companies like Comcast, Harvard, Uno Chicago Grill, and Country Financial.
Here’s what some of Michael’s happy clients have to say:
“Immediately after our first working session together, I saw changes in my business. You helped me see the genuine voice and vision behind my company, and have given me a clarity and presence with my clients that I hadn’t had before. Your suggestions have been right on the money, and I am blown away by the way you take my words and make them sing. I feel more focused than in a long time.”
—Rosalind Joffe, Principal, CICoach
“When we hired you, we made the investment of time and money at a time when we could least afford it. I cannot tell you how delighted I am with the results. The process that you used to get the ‘voice’ of our company, who we were talking to, and what kinds of information we wanted to give, was the most valuable marketing exercise I’ve been through in quite a long time.”
—Betsy Harper, CEO, Sales and Marketing Search
Build a Predictable Income Stream with E-newsletters — FAST!
So, we convinced Michael to create a program exclusively for writers who want to quickly write e-newsletters for clients and make as much as $800… and even up $2,000 per client every month.
It’s called Creating Email Newsletters For Professional Service Firms — A Step-by-Step Guide. It’s the only comprehensive program on how to earn a fantastic living writing e-newsletters.
Michael will show you absolutely EVERYTHING you need to know to earn a great income right away with e-newsletters. In fact, he’s organized it in such an easy-to-follow way, you could learn this skill in just a few days.
And, Michael isn’t leaving your success to chance. That’s why he’s including ready-made templates, forms, training videos, and sample e-newsletters for you to follow, step-by-step.
Wondering how to get started on a project for a client? Just pull up one of the e-newsletter samples that he’s included and use that as your guide.
Not sure how to measure the open or bounce rates of your e-newsletters? Just use Michael’s Data Tracking Form template.
It really is that easy.
Sale Page: https://www.awai.com/p/is/b2n/
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