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Linda Tilley – Embedding Sleep
A targeted and pragmatic program for hypnotherapists to help their clients sleep
Who this Course is For
You are a professional therapist who is trained to use clinical hypnosis in a therapeutic setting
You would like to learn more about normal sleep and sleep disruption
You feel frustrated at a lack of hypnotic protocols to address complex sleep problems
You work hard with clients but are discouraged at the lack of progress when treating sleep disturbances
You feel frustrated when sleep disruption interferes with progress in otherwise motivated clients
You lack the tools to prepare clients for predictable sleep disruptions as a result of therapeutic work, such as with trauma
You are inspired to enhance your therapeutic and clinical hypnosis skills
You are already helpful … but you wish you could do more
What You Get Inside Embedding Sleep
Module 1: Sleep Basics
Introduction to sleep terms
Learn about “normal sleep” and understand the origins, nature and impact of sleep problems
Introduction to of some common sleep disorders
Discussion of sleep hygiene and “Mental Sleep Hygiene”
Module 2: Sleep and Hypnosis
General issues with research on sleep and hypnosis
Discussion of research in specific disorders
Recognize most effective hypnotic tools
Learn how to use a Sleep Story to enhance your effectiveness
Module 3: Evaluating Sleep
Learn about the E-S Sleep History Questionnaire and receive live practice in administering it
Module 4: Applications 1
Learn how to apply hypnotic, sleep hygiene, and practical strategies to a variety of primary sleep disorders
Module 5: Applications 2
Learn how to apply hypnotic, sleep hygiene, and practical strategies to sleep disruptions secondary
to other disorders (such as depression, trauma, ADHD, etc.)
Module 6: Momentum Planning
Integration and application of learning in case studies and planning for moving forward
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